Great Investors Make the Difference

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Investment Opportunities
Are you looking for ways to profit from the fast growing real estate redevelopment business?

We love to buy, fix, and sell real estate to improve our communities, but we certainly don't do it alone. We are proud to create opportunities that help small and large investors participate in local real estate growth and profits right along side of us. 

Forward Home Solutions LLC is a successful real estate investing groups because we focus on doing things right. We specialize in buying single and two family homes that need some TLC or for other reasons need to sell fast. We maintain a network of individuals and business lenders who are able to provide funding for transactions quickly. 

There are a variety of different and creative ways that investors participate in our business. Here are just a few examples: 

Wholesale: What we do best is find and negotiate with sellers to secure a contract to purchase, but we can't physically rehab them all ourselves. So, often other local Rehab Investors purchase these contracts at a wholesale price to redevelop the property for resale or rental profit. 

Purchase Money: Purchase money lenders help with funding for the purchase price of the property for a designated repayment term. 

Hard Money: Investors may choose to provide funding through loans or lines of credit for the redevelopment costs for construction and repairs, often with a limited repayment term. 

Partnerships: In some cases investors are interested in a equity position rather than providing a loan. In these cases, we partner with other investors to purchase and redevelop property and share mutually in the profits. 

Retirement Account Investing: Many people are beginning to realize the potential of investing IRA and 401K retirement funds to diversify their portfolio with real estate. We partner with qualified Self Directed IRA financial institutions to help potential investors establish accounts appropriate for tax deferred real estate investing. 

If you are interested in learning more about investing with Forward Home Solutions LLC, please submit the contact form below. We will respond to you right away!



We build relationships with sellers to help create the best solution for each situation.


Cash offers require funding within 24 hours. Investors provide us funding. We provide reliable returns.


It takes experience to establish the best cash offer and/or unique terms that meet the needs of sellers.


Local Realtors know the market better than anyone. We partner with the best agents when those services are needed.


Qualified local contractors ensures properties are redeveloped professionally and quickly.

REFERAL Partners

Do you have a friend, relative or neighbor looking to sell. Refer them to us today and collect a referral fee.

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